Pavel Durov is the founder and owner of messaging app Telegram. Telegram cofounder Pavel Durov, center, smiles after a meeting with Indonesian officials in Jakarta in 2017. Tatan Syuflana/AP Durov, who was…
Tag: Photo
Shani Louk: Hamas victim’s father defends award-winning photo of her body as ‘symbol’ of an era
The father of a woman who Hamas killed has defended an award-winning image of her. The Associated Press image showed Shani Louk half-naked and face down in the back of a Hamas…
AirAsia’s CEO says he doesn’t regret posting his shirtless photo on LinkedIn as he got a lot of publicity from it
AirAsia’s CEO Tony Fernandes said he doesn’t regret posting his shirtless photo on LinkedIn as the viral post garnered him a lot of publicity. Fernandes told CNBC in an article published on…