Pavel Durov is the founder and owner of messaging app Telegram. Telegram cofounder Pavel Durov, center, smiles after a meeting with Indonesian officials in Jakarta in 2017. Tatan Syuflana/AP Durov, who was…
Tag: post
George Santos says he’s now on OnlyFans, but he’s there to ‘stir the pot’ and not to post ‘adult content’
Fans of the disgraced ex-congressman George Santos can now subscribe to him on OnlyFans. Santos announced his debut on the popular adult content creation platform on Wednesday. But Santos said he won’t…
Jeff Bezos weighs in on the chaos gripping his newspaper
Jeff Bezos, the owner of The Washington Post, tried to assure top newsroom employees on Tuesday that the journalistic standards at the newspaper will not change as controversies mount over its new…
Veteran investor Paul Graham breaks down why Sam Altman left Y Combinator
OpenAI CEO Sam Altman has been hit with a bout of bad press in the past few weeks, which has cast a shadow over his once-squeaky-clean image. Amid these swirling dramas, legendary…
Readers sound off on the post office relocation, candidates and post-pandemic problems
Our mail will go missing! Trump appointee Louis DeJoy’s sole mission is to take down the U.S. Postal Service. This relocation of the processing center (proposed, from Reno to Sacramento) fits perfectly…
Readers’ views on the post office relocation proposal, a survey on rare diseases
Keep the local post office Here’s why moving mail delivery from Washoe County to Sacramento and back to Washoe County would be an absolute disaster on so many levels. Has anybody considered…
AirAsia’s CEO says he doesn’t regret posting his shirtless photo on LinkedIn as he got a lot of publicity from it
AirAsia’s CEO Tony Fernandes said he doesn’t regret posting his shirtless photo on LinkedIn as the viral post garnered him a lot of publicity. Fernandes told CNBC in an article published on…
Elon Musk tells audience he is ‘Jewish by association’ following Auschwitz tour
Elon Musk attended a conference held by the European Jewish Association on Monday. Musk has been accused of posting antisemitic content but said he was “naive” about antisemitism. “I have twice as…